How To Start A Simple & Inexpensive Customer Loyalty Program For Your Creative Business

How To Start A Simple & Inexpensive Customer Loyalty Program For Your Creative Business

Did you know that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep an existing one? Repeat customers are easier to sell to because they already know your business and love your product. Creating a customer reward/loyalty program is a great way to have customers steadily coming back. 

How To Start A Loyalty Program? There are several ways to do so however they can be time consuming, difficult to track, or expensive (if you use a 3rd party app). I'm all about simplicity and effectiveness so I'm going to share my easy and inexpensive to starting a loyalty program.

Do you send your customer a thank you card with their order? If not, you should because it shows your customer that you appreciate their business.

Put on each thank you card that when they collect (a certain number of thank you cards) to simply snap a photo of all the cards and send it to you. You will give them their reward as a thank you for their loyalty to your small business. 


You might decide that you have 2 sets of thank you cards. One set for those that meet the loyalty program requirements.

Loyalty Program Requirements: You decide if a customer needs to spend a certain amount (i.e spend minimum of $30) or purchase a particular product (purchase a t-shirt)

What Rewards Should You Offer? When it comes to your reward make sure it's 1) a reward the customer will actually want 2) don't make it too difficult to reach the reward. 

Examples of Loyalty Programs:

For example: For every $30 you spend you will receive a special thank you card. Collect 8 thank you cards and you will receive a 50% off coupon off your next purchase.

When you purchase 6 shirts, you will get the 7th shirt FREE. 

How To Make Sure Your Customer Doesn't Abuse The Loyalty Program? Make sure you are checking their order history and keeping a log of the last time the customer redeemed their rewards.

Remember this is your loyalty program, so you can run it however is in the best interest of your company. However I want you to keep it simple so you can start having your customers coming back and not overthink the process. 

Did you find this post helpful? Are you excited to start your customer loyalty program?

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want to start a loyalty program

Cynthia Martin

I love this group! I thank you Quiana for be so transparent and not selfish with sharing your success. You put the “B” in Bombdiggidy!

Marion Tamba

Thank you for this idea. I always include a thank you card & now I can include an add incentive for them to become constant repeat clients.

Natasha Leverett

I want to start a loyalty program for my business. You described some excellent ideas that sounds easy to accomplish. Thank you!

Karen Diggs

This was so helpful. Thank you for this!


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